Convents, factories and indiana textile (Raval I)

The neighbourhood of “Raval” is situated in the left side of the Rambles of Barcelona, limited by the Parallel and the Ronda Sant Pau and Sant Antoni, as well as for the street Pelai.

The current configuration of the neighbourhood is intimately tied with to the roman domination, that determined the consolidation and new building of all a road network that put easily in contact the core of the city with his surroundings and with the routes that crossed the north of the Iberian Peninsula. The current layout of some of his streets like Tallers, Hospital, Carme or St. Pau, show clearly this origin.

The progressive urbanístic growth of the walled city forced already in the s. XIII to build another circuit of walls that had as a limit the current Rambla. This new ring did not include in this walls the future zone of the Raval, but it determined his use and character, using Raval as a space to install all those jobs or activities that in the walled city could be annoying or contraindicated as sanitary, prostitution, noisy works, …

On the other hand, begin to install numerous religious orders needed of big spaces for his buildings and cores of coexistence.

Of the importance that had in the mediaeval period is witness the fact that in the s. XIV Barcelona widens again his walled core to include the Raval. Between  the s. XV and s.XVII the neighbourhood continued having the same functions that in mediaeval period, but goes increase the buildings intended to the citizen services and especially to the religious institutions: the House of the Convalescence, The Orphanage, House of the Caritata, Convent of the Bon succés, ….

We will have to wait until the 17th and 19th centuries to notice an important change to the neighbourhood, with the opening of new streets like “Nou de la Rambla, Marquès de Barberà, Junta de Comerç…

It is then when bourgeoisie families are settled on the  neighbourhood like the family Magarola, Gòmina or Muntades, bringing with them their industries and the factories begin to occupy the spaces opened on the neighbourhood. The factories bring another substantial change: the birth and development of the houses for the workers, that supposed a remarkable transformation of the Raval.
The abandon of the manor houses, the transfer of the industries to other places of the city, or even out of them, and the different waves of immigration along the past and recent century, have made it a marginal neighborhood.

  • Status: CANCELLED
  • Date: 28th of March
  • Time: From 10.30 to 12.30 h
  • Price: 12€
  • Capacity: 12 people
  • Language: Catalan-Spanish
  • Meeting point: Fuente de Canaletas


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