Mindfulness Workshop (full attention)

What does Mindfulness(MF) mean?

MF means “full attention”. A way to centre us in the present moment. There is different exercises (respiratory and others) that help us to achieve these valuable moments that allow us take consciousness of what we are thinking, feeling and doing, without stuck in the negative aspects.

Jon Kabat Zinn gave name to this discipline inspired with the technics of oriental meditation. During the 80’s began to apply this methodology in the United States, for the reduction of the stress, to patients that suffered pain and other physical and psychological illnesses.

Benefits of the workshop:

The assistants will learn some easy exercises of Mindfulness that it will show us

how  to apply these techniques  in our daily life.



The assistants will practise simple exercises during the workshop that will be very easy to do it at home.


Jaci Molins Roca, doctor, psicoterapeuta, specialist in coaching health, instructor and writer.

Eva Molins Roca, specialist in marketing, PNL master, coach health and expert in EFT.

  • Status: DONE
  • Date:  March 30th, 2017
  • Schedule: From 09:30 to 12:30 h
  • Price: 10€
  • Deadline day of booking: March 29th, 2017
  • Places: 25 persones
  • Language: English
  • Meeting point: Muntaner 178, Restaurant Tamara
[google_map lat=”41.392109″ long=” 2.152318″ height=”200px” color=”#04c5cc”]

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