Here are all the language exchanges we offer

If you’d like to practice a language that is not listed here, please let us know – we don’t want anybody to be left out!

How to start?

Step 1: Find the language you want to practice, and that is in section meetings.

Step 2: Choose a day and place that suits you best. You can come as many days as you want.

Step 3: Introduce yourself in the place and when you have chosen. Comment on the bar come to exchange Vennmón collects the ticket (3 €), ask your drink, and you can start talking!

For more information:

Rule 1: Balancing time between the two circles (languages).

Rule 2: Children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.

Rule 3: Do not allow to speak languages other than the circles of the day.

Rule 4: Locals can not charge more than 3 € per trade.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles provisionally closed

Days: Wednesday and Friday.

Circles provisionally closed

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles provisionally closed

Days: Wednesday and Friday.

Circles provisionally closed

Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles provisionally closed

Day: Thursday.

Circles provisionally closed

Day: Thursday.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles provisionally closed

Day: Thursday.

Circles provisionally closed

Day: Thursday.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles under request

Do you want to practice a language? Let us know.

Circles provisionally closed

Days: Monday